
tinytoolk.it came about as a result of jarkman and samw being in a pub in Scunthorpe one evening in late 2023. The former is a long term compiler of tiny toolkits for personal and professional use, and the latter had been eyeing them enviously for some time.

They both thought that there would probably be some other such inclined people online and that perhaps there should be a place to gather and write about such things.

By the time they left the table that evening the domain was bought, the site up, and the first few tools had been photographed (and two members of pub staff thoroughly perplexed).

Soon after, fellow tiny toolkit fan Drew joined the project, adding more tools and toolkits to this site and presented The Tiny Toolkit Manifesto at Electromagnetic Field 2024.

Show us your toolkits!

Do you have a tiny toolkit you'd like to talk to us about? Do you have a favourite tiny tool? Send us an email on hi@tinytoolk.it.